日本最大級のデザイン・アートフェスティバル「DESIGNART TOKYO 2023」(2023年10月20日〜29日)で開催された展覧会「A NEW HORIZON – a Showcase of Contemporary Design from East Asia –」の会場構成を行った。
本展示は「クリエイティブで世界に貢献する」をコンセプトに2018年に立ち上がったプラットフォーム「ASIA DESIGN RELATION」のプロジェクトの一環で、「2050年の未来の都市を考える」というテーマのもと、東アジア出身のデザイナー20組による作品が紹介された。キュレーションは『Design Anthology』の編集長スージー・アネッタが行い、「バイオモーフィズム(Biomorphism)」、「アップサイクル(Upcycled)」、「新しいベル・エポック(New Belle Epoque)」、「未来の伝統(Future Traditions)」4つのチャプターで構成された。
We designed the venue for the exhibition “A NEW HORIZON - a Showcase of Contemporary Design from East Asia -” held at DESIGNART TOKYO 2023 (October 20-29, 2023), one of Japan’s most extensive design and art festivals.
The exhibition was part of the ASIA DESIGN RELATION project, a platform launched in 2018 under the concept of ‘contributing to the world through creativity,’ and introduced works by 20 East Asian designers under the theme ‘Thinking about the city of the future in 2050’. The exhibition was curated by Susie Annetta, editor-in-chief of Design Anthology; the exhibition featured four themes: ‘Biomorphism,’ ‘Upcycled,’ ‘New Belle Epoque’ and ‘Future Traditions.’
Various types of tropical plants, including a 6m high tree purchased from Hachijojima and fog-generating machines were installed to temporarily create a pseudo-natural environment, a microclimate, in the inorganic entrance hall of the office building facing Aoyama-Dori in Tokyo, the venue of the exhibition.
In addition, to ensure that the exhibition walls and fixtures were not repeatedly discarded after a short period of time in the spatial composition of the exhibition, the space was composed using ornamental plants as partitions before they were put on the market. With the cooperation of Ryokuensha, all the plants used at the venue were able to be sent to the market after the exhibition ended.
Location: Aoyama, Tokyo
Program: Exhibition
Dates: October 20-29, 2023
Photo: ©Nacasa & Partners